Fun Front Porch Decorating Ideas for Summer

Summer is the perfect time to have friends and neighbors over for a dinner out on the patio, a cookout in the backyard, or just some drinks under the stars. But before they make it to the backyard, they’ll be coming in the front door, which is why we’ve put together this short list of decorating ideas for summer that will transform your front porch. Whether you use potted plants or twinkling lights, these front-door summer decorating ideas will help turn your entryway into a place that friends and neighbors want to visit this season!

Summer colors to consider. A few bright and cheerful colors can go a long way toward transforming your front porch without a lot of work on your part. Of course, the colors you pick will depend a little on the color and style of your house, but some bold summer colors include yellows, turquoise, and coral.

Start with a few porch pots. Nothing makes a home feel lived in faster than a few vibrant flowers on the front porch. You can spice up your color scheme by picking (or painting) colorful pots and filling them with equally colorful flowers, including summer favorites like geraniums, daisies, peonies, roses, and lilies.

Add a seating area. Summer is the season to sit on the front porch and watch the world go by. To do that, you’ll need someplace to sit. There are a lot of options out there, from rocking chairs to bench seating. Two patio chairs with a small end table in between is the perfect setup to enjoy a cool and refreshing glass of iced tea or lemonade.

Decorate the door. Wreaths aren’t just for Christmas anymore. Seasonal wreaths for all seasons can help quickly spruce up your entryway, while matching planters on either side of the door can create a focus that guides visitors inside.

Add some outdoor lighting. String lights or fairy lights are a welcoming addition to your list of front-door summer decorating ideas that will help transform your front porch into a magical summer oasis. Plus, you can continue to enjoy your porch even after the sun goes down. Sit out beneath the glow of your lights and watch the lightning bugs in the front yard!

Put out the welcome mat. Nothing says welcome like a welcome mat—often literally. A seasonal summer welcome mat can help you add your own personal style to your front porch while also letting guests know that you’re glad to see them!

These decorating ideas for summer can help make your home the summer destination this season. Whatever you’re doing to spruce up your front porch (or any other part of your house), the best place to start is with a house you love, and we believe you’ll find that at Sandbrock Ranch. We’re a master-planned community in Aubrey, TX, that combines good neighbors, close family, new traditions, and fun adventures into a “Live True” lifestyle you’ll want to experience for yourself!

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